Caps For Sale

I adore a newsboy cap. Like, a lot.

I always love a nod to menswear. I love things "cocked jauntily to the side". Any excuse just to utter that phrase. A newsboy cap is just plain cool. I have quite a collection at this point. Different textures, colors, materials. I feel like the dude in the classic children's book "Caps for Sale". But without the monkey harassment🙈🙉🙊,which works out better for me.

 I especially love this black leather one. It has a hint of the show Cabaret to me. Alan Cumming would approve! Pairing it with this effortless, oversize chunky turtleneck and my vintage Lynx vest was the ultimate in comfort chic. The hair under it would have looked just as good pulled back in a loose bun or pony, with a few pieces floating around. The point of a newsboy for me is to always have it look like you stuck it on your head last minute (oh,this old thing??), but that actually is what happens in my closet. Throw it on, cock it jauntily, walk out like a freaking boss, and sell those goddamn papers. F off, monkeys.