Maybe, Perhaps

This well known teaching story has been a guiding light for me lately. I have been reaching for it when I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by certain circumstances and feelings. It’s a reminder to me that the way things immediately seem is just a part to the bigger story, the story I haven’t yet been privy to. There is always so much more at play that our limited view of life allows us to see. I also am challenged by patience; this tale is a reminder to pause, breathe, feel my feelings without getting swallowed by them, and trust the bigger picture that has yet to be revealed. Very important growth happens in the empty space of inactivity. The pause is crucial, as are faith and trust. These 3 ingredients have gotten me out of many a mental hole when I’m in a sad or fearful state of nervous system dysregulation. 
Looking back on my life I have had many, many moments where the most seemingly unbearable circumstances somehow birthed major turning points, which led to other wonderful situations. And here’s the thing about all the low points: I’ve gotten through all of them even with the pain, struggle, and resistance. In hindsight (naturally) I can see how each dark moment led to me being forced to find new pathways into light. The wisdom taught in stories such as this are timeless for a reason. I find comfort in the fact that humans throughout time and history have felt the same feelings, and that universal wisdom is indeed available.