Dennis Basso


The Dennis Basso daytime ready to wear collection was awash in high glam. The location of the show set the scene for NYC drama at its best. Held in the famous St. Bartholomew's church on Park Ave, the mood of the show was "ok, major". For you Jews reading this, that church is basically identical to the interior of Kehilat Jeshurun. I was seriously looking for Rabbi Haskel Lookstein. For you non Jews, these are weird synagogue references, filled with words containing an unacceptable amount of syllables😂.


This was the church in Sex in the City in which Carrie and Miranda went to spy on Big and his mom. Iconic nods everywhere! This is New York, Peeps. Ain't nothing like it. It was so refreshing to have a change of location during NYFW. The parking was also waaaayyyy better here👏🏻. Dennis Basso is known for his gowns and furs, so this was a beautifully dressed, good looking crowd.

The base concept for the collection was to suit the changed needs of the well dressed woman who mixes it all up. Women are getting less fancy. We are bringing day into night and vice versa. There are no rules regarding daywear and evening wear anymore. Sparkling gowns one might see on the ladies of Dynasty have become less relevant. DB magically mixed his classic show-stopping glamor with more casual cool fabrics such as leather, tweed, and cashmere. The results were truly genius. Contrasting colors, textures, and fabrics all so representative of the classy, modern boss lady who knows what's up. THIS is dressing in 2018.

I got to see my old friend Jack Cohen of Dennis Basso. Jack designed my DB dress for my eldest's bat mitzvah four years ago. He was greeting everyone at the church doors, and I was so happy to see him. Such a mensch! The modern music was pumping, and was a rad juxtaposition to the church setting. The vaulted ceilings, pews and balconies, and massive organ made for quite a dramatic presentation. The beautiful Hillary Rhoda walked the last dress with DB, and it was very exciting to see this supermodel sashaying down the runway. I wore a Dennis Basso fur over a sheer burgundy dress, that was so generously gifted to me by Leanne Marshall ,via the Riviera PR agency, for Fashion Week. I wore the dress over a black jumpsuit, with a hand beaded gray and burgundy collar that I bought on the beach in cancun. Always mixing it up. This was a really special, beautiful show. I was so grateful to have been in attendance. Can I sign off as Lady Basso?


