Home Hair Mask

Let me clarify: I'm no hair care expert. Take this as a light suggestion. All I can tell you is that I've always been highly devoted to taking care of myself, and love researching self care tips and ideas. This homemade hair mask was born out of dire necessity. Please read this week's Inspire to understand the root of my hairhysteria.

After carefully researching numerous sites on how to repair my stress broken and dry hair, I've settled on making this mask part of my routine. I began doing it two or three times a week when I felt I was at my most helpless. We do whatever we can to desperately try to regain control over our problems. Now I do it once a week as maintenance. I recommend this for everyone. It's a weekly spa treatment for your hair. I've always been so diligent with biweekly face masks, how could I have gone so long without giving my hair the same TLC?

Last year's devastating hair loss was a blessing in disguise, since it taught me how to give my hair what it needs. Hair is alive, it's meant to grow. We must tend to it as we would a plant. It needs vitamins, moisture, hydration, air and sunlight🌱🌞💦.

Our food intake directly affects the rate and quality of hair health, as it does with all parts of us. Healthy fats such as avocado, nuts, salmon, whole eggs, and produce are all members of the Hair Cheerleading Team. I mean, duh.

It's a very common pitfall that many women who feel "middle aged" or who have been in long relationships give up on taking care of themselves. They feel like there's no point. Secure in relationships that may have morphed into stale, passionless routines, it's easy to feel ,"why bother?"  I understand that. I've always been pretty robotically consistent with this, having naturally gravitated towards it as a tween. But there were definitely periods in my life where even though I would take the time to exfoliate, shave, laser, deep condition, I definitely felt it was unnoticed and unappreciated. Which made all my efforts kinda sad.

Now, with my renewed appreciation for myself, when I moisturizer everywhere nightly, using various creams for different parts of the body (that's gotta be a marketing scam btw. It must be the same cream manipulatively packaged differently for women like moi. Whatever, they won; I buy into it hook, line, and sinker), I think someday someone will delight in my skin. Someone will be addicted to playing with my hair, and hugging my fairly fit body. Someone will view holding my soft hands as therapy at the end of a long day. Someone will be endlessly dazzled by my Crest whitening strip smile, and my lasered and waxed limbs (please, please let that last one be worth it one day😱). I know it will happen, and that guy will be one lucky son of a bitch. Until then, I'll be the one enjoying all those things, knowing I'm being good to myself from the inside out and the outside in. We need both directions to help us feel on our path to our best selves. I'm with you.

It's important to note this mask is a bit messy to apply. Have paper towels on standby near a sink. Oh, and this is waaassyyyy more potent and cheaper than store bought hair masks , which can run up to $30, and contain unnecessary chemicals.

Ingredients and Directions:

You will need a towel to clip around your neck, this is oil based so it will drip.

A disposable plastic shower cap.

Paper towels.

A headband to prevent the mask from dripping onto your gorgeous face.

Mix a whole egg (protein) , a quarter cup of coconut oil, two tbsp castor oil, a tbsp of honey, and two tbsp of avocado oil. If your hair is very dry add a super mashed, ripe banana for moisture. This will look and feel like diarrhea, but it won't smell bad at all🍌.

Lol, I gotta warn you about that last part. If you're looking to speed up growth, add two tsp each curry powder and mustard powder, and a tsp of rosemary oil. The latter ingredients kick follicles into high gear. I leave this on for a couple hours. These days I'm omitting the spices, since I got myself to a comfortable place with growth. For months I slept in a state of curry. If you do that, sleep on a thick towel to protect your sheets. Use one of your crappy towels.  Just spread it evenly over entire head root to tip, really working your fingers in there. Cover with the shower cap. Once every three weeks I'll put two tsp of peppermint oil with a half cup of water, and mush it into my roots to clarify and get out all buildup. Rinse after several minutes and shampoo and condition as usual. This is like exfoliating your skin. Things must be cleansed and unclogged in order to receive the full benefits of nourishment.

This is true physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I cannot stress that enough. If you are having inflammation and irritation on your scalp, I read that tea tree oil really helps with that. Please look online for further info, treatments, and measurements. Happy nourishing! You, and your hair, deserve only the best nature had to offer. The sheen in your hair will really make you smile😀. Shine on, however you can. Don't let anything about you feel dry and neglected. Love, LB
